
If I can give a lecture or advice and direction to someone to begin the entrepreneur journey will be to myself. I choose myself because I learned that whatever you wish for you, wish it for everyone else. I would put a title of the Letter of Emergency that is advised in the book Hero’s Journey by Jeff Sandefer and Rev. Robert Sirico. Emergency Letter Remember why you choose to be here, what fuels you to be in this journey? and I want to remind you that this is your place and is not an easy one. Sometimes I want to think that entrepreneurship chooses you and not the other way around. Entrepreneur road is not an easy one and you were ok with this. Remember your rules, your safe guardrails which are: I will always put my God and Family first. I will always conduct myself and my business with integrity. I will always look to help and benefit others with my actions and business. I will never disrespect someone's culture, values, or beliefs. I will never be dishonest in my doings and
The talk by President Monson was a beautiful reminder of counting our blessings and being grateful one by one. When he thanks his teachers remind me of when I was little (6 years old) and started school in San Antonio, Texas, and in the middle of the year we suddenly moved back to Mexico. I still feel the emptiness of friendship and I couldn’t fully understand Spanish when I started attending my new school in Mexico. The kids in my grade were way advanced and were able to read, but not me. I had this beautiful teacher that will work magic with her kindness and patience. She used to stay after hours helping me to catch up with all the group on reading and writing, I could never forget her face and her smile. I am grateful for her patience and dedication. For the video of this week, I really love what is was advised by Ted Zoller to go and work for a big company before starting your own because the teachings and experiences will be helpful along our own entrepreneurial journey. Stan
What’s a Business For? Was a great informative article that emphasizes virtue and integrity and the vital role in the economy and according to the author Charles Handy, he compares trust with fragile china that one’s cracked is never the same. He brings his comparison to a business and the trust people put in a business and those who lead it. Because we do business with companies to cover a need and both the company and the customer get the benefit, but now the benefit has been shifted to only the shareholders and not even the employees. But greed has taken over and according to the article there has been a report “that CEOS in America earn more than 400 times the wages of the lowest-paid workers”. With this evidence then integrity and virtue are vital to have the customer's trust and so far we don’t have that and the little we do is getting extinct. According to Handy the real justification for the existence of business is “to make a profit so that the business can do something m
Money, who doesn't like money? I like the benefits that come from having money my favorite one is to have peace of mind of future bills that might arise and be prepared with the amount of money. But my attitude twords money is that is something that generatesl wealth and needs to keep in circulataion. Money is good but it shoudn't take over our lives and specially not over our families, because the biggest riches we can have in this life is out family. Don’t you just love when Jim Richie talks? I just identify myself and my early experiences with every word that he talks, and look forward to the ones I haven’t experienced. At the same time, I have I big list of books that he recommended to read. All the other assigned videos were the big questions to this week’s theme who is Measuring the cost and for me is the cost of success in the entrepreneur path, what fuels us, our passion to do what we do and what is the cost and impact of our daily life, our private time and family rel
Dallin H. Oaks quoted this story about a father that told his son: “All that I have I desire to give you—not only my wealth but also my position and standing among men. That which I have I can easily give you, but that which I am you must obtain for yourself.” It will be easy to just expect everything that our Father in Heaven has for us handed with no effort. This week I interview a great example of entrepreneurship and she mentions that her daughters are anxiously waiting for her to pass the business to them and she said that she will never do that unless they are willing to work and learn from the bottom of the business up. Taylor Richards mention that after establishing his boat dealership they were invited to have this count down of the best dealerships in North America and the first time they ranked No. 11 and the second time No. 6, he said that he is a normal person with a great team. This teaches me that yes we want to become entrepreneurs but we need help along the way and
When Jim Ritchie mentions in this week’s video that our time is almost over with his videos. I felt first that I need to go back and listen to his videos again and then I got a little sad that this time is going fast because I feel for the first time the joy of learning. Jim Ritchie mentions some key qualities from a leader that covers all the other videos and readings for this week. He said, “My favorite definition of a true leader is a person who takes others to higher ground”. Sometimes we don’t need to have the leader title to take other people to higher ground, I like how Guy Kawasaki said that there are pie eaters and bakers, pie eaters take the chance to get the advantage over other people, but we know that the bakers are seeking actively to make more pies and reach out for everyone to have what they need and help everyone, even help the pie eaters. This is how bakers take others to higher ground. Carly Fiorina said, “think leadership is about three things: capability, colla
Now this weeks’ videos felt like there were specially for me. I have always felt that sometimes I am all over the place and in the video with David Carrington he said “the first step of entrepreneurship is really to embrace thinking backwards, not problem solution, solution to problem…to thinking randomly. They take all kinds of input and then come up with solutions that no one else would think. And that’s what makes them entrepreneurs” These words are encouragement to me because I felt that thinking randomly and different process and at the same time come up with where some kind of disorganization or that the entrepreneurship concept was lost for me, but with what David Carrington mention I felt that is a common action of an entrepreneur. Taylor Richards mention Nephi with his challenges and his great enthusiasm to always keep pushing ahead. He also said something that really got to my bones “not underestimating yourself - and the Lord and the great things you can do”. I have experie